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CCW Inc.

56 Rankin Street

Waterloo, Ontario

N2V 1V9


Attention: Thomas Hill (                                                                                                 November 21, 2019


Q20-004: Asphalt Maintenance Program – 56 Rankin Street, Waterloo

Infrared Pavement Repair Corporation is pleased to provide you with a scope and quotation for the CCW Inc. project located at 56 Rankin Street in Waterloo, Ontario.


As requested, Infrared Pavement Repair Corporation inspected the asphalt parking structure on Wednesday November 20, 2019, to identify the various deficiencies in the pavement structure that require repair. Cracking, alligator (fatigue) cracking, heaving and potholes were observed in the work area. Infrared Pavement Repair Corporation recommends utilizing infrared patch repair to remediate the deficiencies and extend the surface structure service life.


The intent of this approach is to treat the affected areas that are allowing ponding of moisture, causing rutting, cracking that is allowing infiltration of moisture and undermining the surface asphalt course, which will result in further scaling, cracking and delamination over time.


Using our process, the repair area will be heated using our infrared heaters to a pliable temperature, the existing asphalt in the area will be scarified and have rejuvenator added along with additional HL-3F hot mix asphalt to fill any voids and ensure suitable grades. The area perimeter will be heated, compacted and sealed to ensure a less permeable joint along the existing asphalt edges to extend the pavement structure service life.


Please see the following pages for the detailed scope of work.














































CCW Inc. – 56 Rankin Street, Waterloo - Project Summary:



Based on the onsite inspection Infrared Pavement Repair Corporation recommends a four (4) year maintenance plan and estimates approximately 1920 square feet of infrared repair required for the 2019 calendar year. The scope of work is estimated to take two (2) days to complete. Please see below for pricing:



  • Phase ‘A’ – 2019 Infrared Repairs Budget = $ 9600 plus HST

  • Phase ‘B’ – 2020 Infrared Repairs Budget = $ 7200 plus HST

  • Phase ‘C’ – 2021 Infrared Repairs Budget = $ 5760 plus HST

  • Phase ‘D’ – 2022 Infrared Repairs Budget = $ 12 000 plus HST

  • Phase ‘E’ – 2019 Line Paining = $850 + HST



Proposed four (4) year maintenance budget for CCW Inc. – 56 Rankin Street, Waterloo = $ 35 410 plus HST




Proposed Project Start Date: TBD 2019

Taxes: HST applied to full amount

Payment Terms: Payment upon Completion (within 30 days of receipt)


Rest assured that we will do our utmost to ensure the quality of work meets your expectations in a timely manner and that you will be satisfied with the results.



Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns.


Yours Sincerely,









Figure 1 – 56 Rankin Street, Waterloo; Work Area

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